Monday, November 12, 2012

It's one for the history books

Well, all the election stuff is over for now..., wait, think again!  Yesterday I heard people talk about how there are so many "liberal" Senators up for reelection in 2014 and how now's the time to start sorting candidates for 2016 and all that blather.   Aieeee!  They just can't stop, it's like people who are addicted to some unpleasant substance.  Well, anyways, it's over for me, and for this blog.

I feel sorry for those who say the sky is falling, who see an election result as a sign of impending apocalypse.  They have been guzzling the kool-aid, haven't they?  It doesn't surprise me that many want to blame the right's loss on a candidate who was insufficiently pure.  Don't they ever stop?  Not while there is money to be made, I suppose.  The reverse Pauline Kael syndrome that I've seen makes me laugh, though.  She was the New York Times movie critic who supposedly said in 1972, "I can't believe that McGovern lost.  Everyone I know voted for him!"  (She denied saying that, by the way.)  If someone is shocked because "all their friends" were for Romney and hated Obama, that may say more about them than about the election.

Enough already!  Give it a rest.


  1. The election may be over, but I do hope you'll keep up your blogging. We still need Wise Owl Insights.

  2. I just found your blog V after getting your Christmas card. I like that you go much more in-depth with your thoughts here and I look forward to reading what you have to say here from here on out and what you've said in the past. Extra perspective is wonderful and I definitely need it as I continue to learn and grow in life.

    Jeremy J.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it and it is great that you find my musings useful. I often think of you and of the edifying experiences we had as home teaching companions.
