Monday, October 29, 2012

Reason 4--Whom would we be getting?
The 4th reason I decline to vote as many seem of my friends think I should is because I'm not sure who it is they would have me vote for...well, I know his name, and what church he goes to, but not a lot else, not really.  Most of the moderate positions he espoused a few years ago, he has abandoned in the quest to get the more extreme element of his party to support him.  When others do this kind of thing, it's called "flip-flopping."  He says he is for bipartisanship, but when's the last time he said something good about his opponent?  If you disdain your competitor, I don't see how you work with him later.

I think there is one core belief about this election that he holds true to, and really only one.  I don't mean his belief that making money is synonymous with virtue.  I think the only polestar for him is that he really, really, really wants to be President, and will do whatever it takes to get there.  He seems to authentic in his drive to obtain the job, I'll grant him that.  There are many in his party for whom that willingness to perform whatever contortion, spout whatever half-truth or outright fib, and curry favor by courting whatever group of voters, is the ultimate point of attraction--the willingness to do whatever one has to do to win.  It is closely akin to the divine right of kings attitude many in that party have:  when you have the "right" to rule, when your superior claim to office is self-evident, then process does not matter and anything you do to gain election is by definition appropriate.  I know I'm tarring the other guy with a brush that has tarred the Bushes and Cheneys before him, but in this case, guilt by association sticks like glue.

So my question is, whom would we be getting if we get the other guy?  The Massachusetts Moderate?  The crimson caveman of his fundraising speeches?  A CEO?  A corporate freebooter?  A crony capitalist?  An auto-pen for whatever the tea party taliban might send him from Congress?  I don't know, and I don't see how anyone can claim to know.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded of that chestnut from Mr. Dole in his failed bid, when he asked who his party wanted him to be. (I'm paraphrasing) "Who do they want me to be? Reagan? I can do Reagan."

    Sadly this is in some measure what our two-party system has given us: a need to appeal to 'the base' in the primary and the center in the general election. My issue is that I did not see Mr Romney's center until the debates. And still then without details.
